Beautiful sunshine through my window, 8:15 am
In Soto Zen temples, once in a while someone is appointed Shuso, or Head Student, to help lead the Practice Period and to serve as a role model. Dana Velden started this blog when she was Shuso for the Fall Practice Period at SF City Center in 2006. Now, several City Center shusos have logged in to continue her exploration of what this means and how it manifests in life and practice.
Hi Dana-shuso,
Best wishes for rohatsu! Seems like shuso-ing is going very well -enjoy - thanks for your blog.
warm bows to all....
hogetsu laurie belzer
Last day of Rohatsu, I awoke in my little room (actually the SFZC reading room) to the sound of Dana racing down the hall, sounding bell in hand, shouting "WAKE UP" at the top of her lungs.
Crow call. The sound of rushing water. All are completely awakened.
I only sat Rohatsu once at CC, about 5 years ago now. I remember the rain, and Ingen bowing to me in his wide brimmed hat, eyes shining with Irish mirth in the jaundiced flood lights.
Congrats, Dana; I only just learned your are shuso this period. A big hug from an old friend.
AAh sunshine. Wish you a great 2007.
Nice. I like much! :)
Dig your blog. I'm an American monk ordained by a Tibetan teacher back in 2001. However, I've lived in Japan (spent some time at a Soto shu temple back in college there) and will be moving to South Korea after graduation (w/ a master's in Buddhist Studies) next June. I'll do the Bikkshu ordination there and dive in the Korean monastic system.
I'm leaving this message because I also have a blog. I'm in the L.A. area and would love to visit the SFZC sometime.
Forgot to say it's www.amonkamok.typepad.com.
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